Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Dreadful Week 3!

Whew!!! Week 3 has officially come and gone and I am truly thankful to say "I made it thru!!!" They were not kidding when, in week one, the told us to be prepared because "week 3 is coming!" This week was a tough one. Classes were filled with lots of grammar points, evenings were filled with student teaching and lots of homework quizzes, tasks and lesson plans. On Thursday night, I almost cried because I was so stressed working on a lesson plan that was due at midnight. Top that all off with multiple interviews and you're in for one hell of a week. However, I ended the week on a high note with an A in my student teaching practicum on Friday evening and I got my homework submitted before the last minute, today and yesterday! If you know me and how much of a procrastinator I am, then you know that's a big deal for me!

Other than that, week 3 was pretty awesome as well! A large group of us hung out to watch Costa Rica vs Mexico on Tuesday night and on Wednesday night, a group when to the indoor soccer field to play. I didn't play but I had a blast sitting on the sidelines with my roommate, Casey. This weekend, I was glad to have practically nothing to do and be able to relax.

Week 4 starts tomorrow and on Friday, we will officially be certified TEFL Instructors! I'm looking forward to completing this course but I will definitely miss the friends that I've made throughout the month-long program. I'm hoping that we'll all end up staying here in CR and staying connected for the foreseeable future. Friendships that are made during experiences like these are invaluable and I'm glad to call this amazing group of adventurous souls, my friends! I'm also looking forward to getting some sleep that isn't interrupted by the chickens and turkeys hopefully soon!

Stay tuned for the graduation and job update at the end of the week!

Until then, Travel far, Live freely and Be amazing!

Love Always, 
Kelli Marie


  1. You are killing it there gorgeous!!! So happy for you and how you will be able to look back at this and see how God opens doors and makes things happen! Can't wait for the next blog entry 😘

  2. Great updates, Kelli! I'm enjoying following your adventures in CR. Sounds like you're really, really busy, but also having tons of fun! You may be "curing" yourself of procrastination! :)
